Saturday, March 22, 2008


Are these 7 mistakes killing your sleep?

Answer the following 7 questions and find out if you're like most insomniacs:
1) You have a big day tomorrow. How do you react if you're still awake after 30 minutes, or if you wake up during the night and can't fall asleep again?
I take a sleeping pill I get up and watch TV I stay in bed and keep trying
2) You've been sleeping badly lately. How do you feel when bedtime comes?
I hope for the best even though I'm starting to feel tensed and anxious I don't feel anything special, I just go to bed when I'm tired I know I won't sleep otherwise, so I take a pill right away I postpone the moment to go to sleep because I dread it
3) What do you think about while lying in the dark, waiting for sleep to come?
I think about how I'll be a wreck again when morning comes I worry about something that bothers me and I look for a solution Thoughts come and go, but I don't seem to have a handle on them at that point I just can't stop thinking about a million things
4) What happens to your activity level when sleep deprivation causes you to be extremely tired?
I tire myself even more by exercising and going about my day I sink into a depressive state where I just feel desperate and cancel activities I take it easy and rest the most I can
5) How do you prepare for the night?
I get settled in bed and talk for a while with my spouse I take a warm bath and start to let go of the day I have too much to do wind down I read or watch TV in bed until I'm drowsy
6) You basically didn't sleep at all last night. How do you compensate for that?
I go to bed earlier the next evening I hit the snooze button and sleep later in the morning I take a nap during the day
7) How would you estimate your chances of being able to sleep deeply and easily on a consistent basis in the future?
almost nonexistent slim moderate high
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